Wednesday, March 26, 2025

PPP Projects


PPP Projects of Burdwan Development Authority:-

Burdwan Development Authority had already undertaken the following Public Private Partnership Projects with the partners as mentioned below against each.


Sl. No. Image Name of the Project Mouza Area of the Project Object of the project Name of the PPP Date of Signing MOA Remarks
1 "Kichukhan" by M/S K.B. Sales Ltd.
(Charnock City Brand)
Alisha 1.92 acres Alisha M/S K.B. Sales the Private
Partner of the project
29/05/2008 Complete & Functioning
2 Health City Project Goda 59.325 acres Provide Medical facility to the
people of Burdwan
M/S Bengal CES Infratech Pvt. Ltd,
the Private Partner of the project
12/07/2006 Ongoing
3 Mini Township Project (HS- 2) Kamnara & Mirzapur 76.36 acres Housing M/S Poddar Projects Ltd. the
Private Partner of the project
08/03/2006 Ongoing
4 Satellite Township Project (HS- 1) Goda, Kantrapota,
Isufabad & Nababhat
254.74 acres Housing M/S Shrachi Burdwan Developers
Pvt. Ltd. the Private Partner of the
08/03/2006 Partially Complete
5 Bus-Cum-Commercial Complex (TR- 2) Alisha, Gopalnagar
& Kanainatshal
17.60 acres Provide Transport facility to the
people of Burdwan and others
M/S Poddar Projects Ltd.
the Private Partner of
the project
30/10/2006 Complete & Functioning
6 Bus-Cum-Truck Terminal Project (TR- 1) Nababhat 9.51 acres Provide Transport facility to the
people of Burdwan and others
M/S Srijani Sramik Silpa Samabaya
Samiti Ltd. the Private Partner of
the project
30/10/2006 Complete & Functioning
7 Development and Beautification of
Burdwan Collectorate & Jail Complex
Radhanagar 4.416 acres Housing and Commercial Complex M/S Dheeraj Promoters, Kolkata,
the Private Partner of the project
11/10/2004 Complete & Functioning
Sl. No. Name of the Project Mouza Area of the Project Object of the project Name of the PPP Date of Signing MOA Remarks



Completed PPP Projects:-

Project for Development and Beautification of Burdwan Collectorate & Jail Complex:

A composite project for planned utilization unused and under utilized plots of land in Collectorate and Jail Complex areas of Burdwan Town belonging to Home (Police), Jails and PWD Departments for restoration of heritage buildings, Area development. The project constitutes of Remunerative, Non-remunerative and at cost components. Process of activities is stopped due to certain reasons. The PPP is M/S Dheeraj Promoter, a sister concern of M/s B.P. Poddar Group of companies. Total project cost is 42 crores.


Bus-cum-Truck Terminal at Nababhat (TR-1):

In a Traffic and Transportation study for Burdwan Town, conducted by M/s RITES relocation of the existing Bus-Terminal to two terminals at the two outer extremities of the town was suggested. Nababhat is one of such Terminus, construction of which has been taken up as a PPP Project by the BDA. M/s Srijani Sramik Silpa Samabaya Samiti has been selected as PPP. 1st phase of work of the Terminal has been completed and the Bus Stand has started functioning w.e.f. 18th February, 2009. Total project cost is 35 crores.


Bus-cum-Truck Terminal at Alisha (TR-2):

Alisha is another terminal, located at eastern extremities of the town construction which has been taken up as a PPP Project by the Burdwan Development Authority.
The salient points of the project constitutes:-
a. The selected private partner is M/s Poddar Project Ltd.
b. The land for the project has already been acquired by BDA.
c. Boundary wall for the project almost completed.
d. Basement construction of the Terminal Building is completed.
e. Drainage work for the project going on.
f. Project cost: 65 crores.


Setting up of Tubular Poles on the Median verge of G.T. Road within Burdwan Town:

A scheme to beautify the Burdwan Town from Burdwan Rly. Station Bazar to Curzon gate by setting up of Tubular Poles on the median verge of the provincial part of G.T. Road has been taken up through PPP scheme. M/s Ad well, Burdwan has been selected as a Private Partner for laying of tubular poles with 250 W SPV lamps for illumination during evening to dusk. The scheme has been completed. Total project cost was 80 lakh.


"Kichukhan" at mouza Alisha:

Burdwan Zilla Parishad has entrusted BDA for completion and operationalization of partly constructed "Kichukhan" Tourism Centre on PPP model along with the approval of Tourism Department, West Bengal, for setting up a way side facility at mouza Alisha, Ps & Dist. Burdwan. Work at the site has started. The project has been inaugurated on 20.09.2009. The project cost is 5 crores.


Ongoing PPP Projects:-

Satellite Township Project at Goda:

PPP project for construction of Satellite Township at mouzas Goda, Nababhat, Katrapota and Isufabad over plots of land measuring 257 acres has been planned to check the unplanned, messy and congested growth of residential area in and around Burdwan Town. Works of the project are continuing. Booking of simplex/duplex Bungalow has started. Total project cost is 600 crores.


Satellite Township Project a Kamnara and Mirzapur:

84 acres of land have been identified and taken up in PPP model for setting up of Satellite Township at Kamnara and adjoing mouza. The said township has also been planned to check the unplanned and congested growth of residential area in the fringe area of Burdwan Municipality within BDA areas. The work of the project is stopped due to certain reasons. Total project cost is 200 crores.


Health City Project at Burdwan:

The Burdwan Development Authority has acquired about 60 acres of land adjacent to NH- 2, at mouza Goda for setting up a multi Facility Health Care Infrastructure through PPP. M/S Bengal Faith Health Care Private Limited, Kolkata is the PPP. The objective of the project is to establish an integrated complex for accommodating modern multi specialty Health Care infrastructure and appropriate support services in a planned and environment friendly ambience to meet the growing demand of sophisticated health care services in an around Burdwan. The work is under progress. The project cost of the 1st phase 250 crores. The work for phase- I has started which includes Land Development, Primary utilities, primary roads, construction of Mother and Child Care Hospital, construction of 150 bedded Trauma Care and Medical Research Centre, Mobile Health Units and Transport arrangement.